We were blessed to have the Rev. Jack Shriver lead us the past two years. He delivered his last sermon for us on July 26, 2015. The quilters surprised him with a quilt towards the end of the service. The choir, which normally does not sing during summer, surprised him with a special song. We then sent him off on his journey in our traditional way of a potluck lunch. Everyone enjoyed fellowship and good food while biding Jack a fond adieu.
The day began with worship service.

Quilters made a Communion Quilt for Jack

The choir sang "Celebration".

Surprise - a gift

Oh, I'll enjoy this!

Maybe you don't need another present?!

Trying to open the present

This is a nice surprise.

Thanks everyone

This one is not for you.

A big thank-you to everyone.

We all enjoyed this time together.

Let's eat

Fond Adieu to our friend

Everyone enjoys cake

Everyone enjoys cake

Isn't this fun?

We are enjoying this.

A great party.

Can I comment?

As I was saying.......

Everyone is here to celebrate

I'm enjoying this

Me too!

These are so pretty

Smiling for the camera

A last look at the cake