Official Organization

Sunday Rites to Officially Organize Clayton valley Presbyterian Church
From the 1956 newspaper:
"The Clayton Valley Presbyterian Church will be officially organized by the Presbytery of San Francisco at ceremonies to be performed at 3 p.m. Sunday.
For the special service organization, the Presbytery will send a delegated committee to be accompanied by the Rev. Don Hall, moderator of the Presbytery. Among the members of the committee will be Rev. Ernest Bradley,and Rev. James Crothers, ministers of neighboring churches in Concord and Pleasant Hill.
The Clayton Valley Church has been holding services in its present location, 1578 Kirker Pass Rd,. Concord, since Jan. 13. Since that time it has broadened its program and increased its membership. Two choirs have been formed - the Women's Group, the Couples Club, also the Westminster Fellowship has been organized. In addition, the Sunday School has grown to nearly 175 on the roll. Plans have been announced for a Vacation Bible School to be conducted during the two weeks from June 24 to July 5. The church will be organized with 104 charter members.
Through the Rev. John C. Kinsey pastor of the church, an invitation has been extended to all in the community to be present at the organization service, which will be held in the church patio. The regular service of worship will be held at 11 a.m. with Sunday School beginning at 9:45."